Land Size Conversions in Thailand

Thai Metric Imperial Measurement Conversions

In Thailand, land size conversion can be a little confusing. Land area indicated on a Chanote (Title) are often shown in measurements of:  Rai, Wah, Talang Wah (Square Wah), and Ngan. Imperial area size measurements are: Acre, Yards, Sq. Yards, Feet Metric area size measurements are: Hectare, Square Meter The following is listed in larges to smallest unit(s) of measure to help scale your calculations:
  • 1 Hectare = 2.47 acres = 6.25 rai = 10,000 sq/m
  • 1 Acre = 2.471 rai = 4,046.86 sq/m = 43,560 sq/ft
  • 1 Rai = 4 Ngan = 1600 sqm = 0.39 acre = 17,264 sq/ft
  • 1 Ngan = 100 talang wah (twa) = 400 sq/m =
  • 1 Talang Wah = 4 sq/m = 43.04 sq/ft

Convenient Area Conversion Chart